Thursday 7 June 2012

'Dead' boy wakes up at his own funeral and asks for a drink

The boy startled grieving relatives only hours after doctors were unable to resuscitate him during treatment for pneumonia
A dead boy sat up in his coffin just before his funeral and asked for a glass of water – then lay back down again lifeless.
Kelvin Santos, two, startled grieving relatives only hours after doctors were unable to resuscitate him during treatment for pneumonia.
He apparently smiled, looked round, drank his water then reclined back in his coffin.
Dad Antonio Santos could not wake Kelvin again and carried him to hospital in Belem, northern Brazil. But doctors were mystified as to what happened and confirmed he was indeed dead.
Mr Santos said: “During the wake I held Kelvin and said, ‘son, come back to daddy’.
“And a few hours later my son sat up in the coffin and said, ‘daddy, give me water’.
“Everybody started to scream. We thought a miracle had taken place and our boy had come back to life.
"Then he lay down again and didn’t move again. We couldn’t wake him.”
Kelvin died from pneumonia and respiratory failure in Aberlardo Santos Hospital at 7pm on Friday following a five-day fever.
His family held a wake throughout the night at home and at 3pm the following day, an hour before the funeral, mourners said the lad came to life.
Convinced that his son was a victim of medical malpractice, Mr Santos has now registered a complaint with police.
He said: “Dead people don’t just wake up and talk. I’m determined to find out the truth.”
Police said they are investigating.

A purrfect solution: Abandoned tiger cubs are adopted by new mum... a DOG

The Shar Pei dog, called Cleopatra, has been breast-feeding and cleaning the Siberian cub as if they were her own

Feeding time: Clyopa and Plyusha with new mum Cleopatra

Two abandoned tiger cubs have been adopted by a new mum… a DOG.
The wrinkled, sandy-coloured Shar Pei dog called Cleopatra has been breast-feeding and cleaning the Siberian cubs as if they were her own. They also curl up and go to sleep together.
The cubs, named Clyopa and Plyusha, were born late last month in a zoo in the Russian city of Sochi, a Black Sea resort.
"She accepted them right away," a zoo spokeswoman said.
The cubs pose no danger to the dog, though they are already showing their claws and hissing.
"They aren’t aggressive and they depend on her for feeding," the spokeswoman added.
Fewer than 400 Siberian tigers _ also known as Ussuri, Amur or Manchurian tigers  have survived in the wild, most of them in Russia’s Far East.

Fingers crossed and legs crossed for man after police recover penis that Californian cut off with a craft blade

Ouch: Californian faces psychological evaluation after cutting off his own penis

A 20-year-old who cut off his penis with a craft blade has been reunited with his severed organ after it was recovered by police.
It is hoped that doctors may be able to reattach his manhood following the painful separation in the early hours of yesterday morning.
Police were called to a home in Fremont, California at about 2am by the man’s brother, Detective Bill Veteran said.
The victim was not under the influence of drugs or alcohol, he added.
The reason for the self-inflicted wound with the X-Acto knife is currently unknown.
Rushed to hospital, police also said that the unnamed man faces a psychological evaluation.
Last year, a man who turned up at hospital with a ring stuck on his penis had to be cut free by 10 firefighters.
It took them 20 minutes to remove the ring after staff at the Queen Elizabeth Hospital in Woolwich were unable to prise it from the man's genitals.

'Gay' penguins Inca and Rayas get their own egg to look after

A pair of very close male penguins at a zoo in Madrid have been given their own egg to look after.

A pair of male penguins have been given their own egg to care forPenguins Inca and Rayas have been building a nest every six years in the hope of starting a family and have finally been trusted with an egg.

Meanwhile Rayas has been filling up on food.The Gentoo penguins have both thrown themselves into their new roles as parents, with the Telegraph reporting that Inca has taken on the 'female' role of incubating the egg, a task which he does most of the day, every day. 

This is to ensure he can take on the traditional male job of feeding his young with regurgitated fish.Speaking to the paper, Yolanda Martin, who cares for the penguins at Spain's Faunia Park, said: 'We wanted them to have something to stay together for - so we got an egg. Otherwise they might have become depressed.'While she admitted that the pair were extremely close she emphasised that they were not actually gay, but simply the best of friends. Inca and Rayas are not the first male penguins to be given an egg to care for, as staff at a zoo in China gave penguin couple Steve and Adam a chick to look after last year.

New urinal allows you to play guitar while relieving yourself 

Going to the toilet for a No.1 has been given a whole new meaning. While Jimi Hendrix played the guitar with his teeth, men can now record a riff and relieve themselves at the same time.

Guitar Pee urinal
Guitar Pee is an adapted urinal, complete with frets, strings and amplifier. 
Instructions are simple: take aim and fire at any one of the six targets to mix up a combination of pre-recorded riffs and solos for as long as you can keep going. 
If, as you zip up, you think you have created a masterpiece, you can download and share it on your MPee3 player. 
It means you can impress others with your musical prowess and keep pub cleaners happy with your precision. However, you will have to wait to turn your boring bathroom breaks into rock recording  sessions. Guitar Pee was made specially for Brazil’s Billboard magazine and the porcelain urinal is only touring bars in São Paulo. 
Another snag is that there is, as yet, no equivalent for female rockers.
Perhaps it will not be long before more instruments are available – meaning you can ‘play’ guitar while your friends splash out the bass and drums. 
Just don’t forget to wash your hands before that high-five. Visit to see those creative juices flowing.

Hot air balloon drops on city centre road after failing to find landing spot

A hot air balloon skimmed dangerously close to rooftops before crash-landing by a busy city centre road in Bath.

hot air balloon crash bath
The craft got into difficulties when it was knocked by tiny gusts every time it tried to find a landing spot.
It was seen skimming rooftops, trees and a river before the pilot finally landed on a patch of grass in central Bath.
Later it emerged the balloon had only just been repaired after being damaged by fire.
Photographer Stuart Woodward, who took the pictures, said: ‘How it didn’t hit any roofs I don’t know. It was an amazing landing.’
Hot air balloon crash Bath city centre
Laura Camper and boyfriend Richard Morris, 29, were two of the 16 passengers on Monday’s flight.
Miss Camper said the pilot was ‘totally chilled and professional’ as he said they may have to land on a road.
The 31-year-old, who was given the £150 ride as a Christmas present, said: ‘I think we hit a tree and a road sign which probably softened the landing. When we touched down we all cheered.’
However, the experience didn’t put the couple off flying and they jetted off on holiday to Zante, Greece, yesterday.
Hot air balloon crash Bath city centre

'Diet goggles' convince wearers their stomach is full 

Japanese scientists have developed a set of revolutionary new 'diet goggles' which trick over-indulgent eaters into scoffing less food. 

Diet goggles, Tokyo University
Anyone donning a pair of the bespoke glasses will almost certainly have eyes too big for their belly, with the specs being specifically designed to make food appear up to 50 per cent larger than it actually is.
The goggles can also fool people eating a savoury snack into thinking they are actually eating a tasty chocolate treat.
diet goggles
Researchers at the University of Tokyo say the illusion tricks a person's brain into thinking they are about to eat super-sized portions, while the wearer's hand remains normal size.
Volunteers wearing the augmented reality device were told to eat biscuits until they felt full to test the effectiveness of the goggles. 
'By changing the size of the food and scaling it up we have shown that participants eat about 10 per cent less over the course of a day,' said Takuji Narumi, an assistant professor working on the project.
'This is because the brain believes visual information rather than the information it receives from the stomach or our other internal sensors.'
Obesity remains a growing problem, particularly in the US, but this latest device could be an huge ally in the battle against the bulge. 
However the researchers say they have not yet made plans to release the product commercially.