Thursday 7 June 2012

Fingers crossed and legs crossed for man after police recover penis that Californian cut off with a craft blade

Ouch: Californian faces psychological evaluation after cutting off his own penis

A 20-year-old who cut off his penis with a craft blade has been reunited with his severed organ after it was recovered by police.
It is hoped that doctors may be able to reattach his manhood following the painful separation in the early hours of yesterday morning.
Police were called to a home in Fremont, California at about 2am by the man’s brother, Detective Bill Veteran said.
The victim was not under the influence of drugs or alcohol, he added.
The reason for the self-inflicted wound with the X-Acto knife is currently unknown.
Rushed to hospital, police also said that the unnamed man faces a psychological evaluation.
Last year, a man who turned up at hospital with a ring stuck on his penis had to be cut free by 10 firefighters.
It took them 20 minutes to remove the ring after staff at the Queen Elizabeth Hospital in Woolwich were unable to prise it from the man's genitals.

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