Thursday 7 June 2012

New urinal allows you to play guitar while relieving yourself 

Going to the toilet for a No.1 has been given a whole new meaning. While Jimi Hendrix played the guitar with his teeth, men can now record a riff and relieve themselves at the same time.

Guitar Pee urinal
Guitar Pee is an adapted urinal, complete with frets, strings and amplifier. 
Instructions are simple: take aim and fire at any one of the six targets to mix up a combination of pre-recorded riffs and solos for as long as you can keep going. 
If, as you zip up, you think you have created a masterpiece, you can download and share it on your MPee3 player. 
It means you can impress others with your musical prowess and keep pub cleaners happy with your precision. However, you will have to wait to turn your boring bathroom breaks into rock recording  sessions. Guitar Pee was made specially for Brazil’s Billboard magazine and the porcelain urinal is only touring bars in São Paulo. 
Another snag is that there is, as yet, no equivalent for female rockers.
Perhaps it will not be long before more instruments are available – meaning you can ‘play’ guitar while your friends splash out the bass and drums. 
Just don’t forget to wash your hands before that high-five. Visit to see those creative juices flowing.

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